
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


QUIZ COMPETITION - The Grand Finale   -  The stake was indeed high - among the highest - while the bet was placed on the state and the treasury - where Winner takes all. Loser loses all. It's one kind of war too - weaponless and without armies participation - non involvement in physical and body injuries no bloodshed no damages and no destructions of properties and farmlands. It's war no doubt - in one way or other - but it's more on war of the power of intelligence between the two states, in order to gain superiority and supreme control over the loser state. That was such a high-risk competition but not so if compared to declaring war on one another. This competition was much of a leisure status, although it was more or less in a way or so like an act of conquering the other rival state. But the risk was also as good as going to the battlefield.
And even in those days of the 'dark ages' - yet they got the effort to provide scoring points on each event of the riddles followed by each result proclaimed via public clearly displayed on the manually controlled scoreboard - for the spectators and the supporters to view.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A lesson to those who don't sing according to the original song as required (base on composer's taste, blend & flavour)

Ya! tak iya jugak ....... kalau menyanyi tak ikut lagu ciptaan asal .... beginilah jadinya...... menggelabah habih di buatnya...... lihat sajalah telatah dan gelagat Sudin yg membawa watak tune .... melelong2 .... lentang pukang  ..... sampai tak bunyi macam lagu nyanyian asalnya pun ...... sebab tuKassim Baba .... mula menyanyi silap ..... berteraboq habih di bawa lagu 'code buka pintu gua' tu tak buleh buleh ........menyanyi lentang pukang .... main blah sendiri sendiri punya style (kononnya dengan gaya sendiri la .... style sendiri laa..... cara dan style tersendiri laa ..... jugak sistem code buka pintu tak recognise ........ sebab tu tak dapat respon dari sistem code buka pintu gua ..... pasai menyanyi tak betoi .... bawak lagu pun salah  system code tak terima ..... sampai mampoih ... pintu gua tu tak akan terbuka punya.
Sampai si Kassim Baba punya naik gabra .... menggelabah tak menentu.... cuba dgn macam2 cara .... reka dgn menyanyikan hentah hape2 punya mana punya Jawa punya lagu pun tak tau! di tambah dgn wording sendiri ..... main bantai bubuh dgn lagu reka sendiri lain terus dari lagu code buka pintu gua sebagaimana di terima oleh sistem. Itulah padahnya ...... dari satu babak yg memberi message 'simbolik' untuk mereka yg ghairah sangat dok ambik lagu orang (yg dah popular seperti lagu2 P.Ramlee & Saloma) tiba2 buat pindaan walaupun sikit ( namun rosak atau cacat juga jadinya) disebabkan modify terhadap irama, melodi, lirik dan juga cara menarik patah lagu yg begitu ter'over' (kerapkali punya panjang .... nak tunjuk yg dia ada nafas untuk tarik lagu dgn begitu tinggi nada pitchingnya ....... itu yg menjadikan rosaknya lagu dari sifat asalnya.
Lihatlah contoh dari clip ini ...... bila menyanyi lagu orang tak ikut sebagaimana keperluan asalnya. Tengoklah padahnya yg berlaku pada Kassim Baba angkara menyanyi lagu orang main hentam keromo saja .... ikut style sendiri konon.

What's this? - temporary overnight loan of wife? or temporary overdraft?

Temporary overnight loan like 'overdraft' - no doubt ......  yes! .... there is ...... ask any banker or trader. Bank temporary overdraft is not 'uncommon'. The term 'temporary overdraft' is not new.
But NOT this type of  'temporary overnight wife (on loan basis). Very doubtful ....... that may lead to 'unfaithful' .......... Well! may be it's a kind of game some people play in some parts of  this 'heaven on earth'.... or it could be sort of a 'new way of life' somewhere in the glamor parts of the new world there.

SALUTE is an honour to you - as a gesture of respect - therefore it has to be returned back (responded)

Whatever it is - whenever your subordinates give salute  - it's an honour to you - as a gesture of respect..... you have no choice ...... but to salute back. Ask any army personnel..... what's it's all about.

Like Father Like Son - "that reflects your upbringing" - most common saying

"Baru padan muka bapak"  -  that serve you right ...... you wanna play mama out! sangat....... rase kan

The Shaman got backfired himself - when his charm turn back on him

Ini macam punya bomoh nampaknya mengamalkan ilmu-hitam yg boleh bikin itu macam 'senjata makan tuan'. Ini macam serupa macam itu 'boomerang' yg boleh di baling bagaikan senjata untuk sampai kpd sasaran seperti musuh ...... akan tetapi akan memusing dalam bentuk 'curve' dgn satu lengkongan untuk pulang balik kpd tuannya  (tuan yg membalingnya) ..... sama juga dgn ilmu bomoh yg di tempah oleh Hj Labu tu ....... seolah2 macam bomoh graduate lepasan dari Australia gamaknya? - Australian Aborigines dari pakar2 dari kumpulan orang2 asli Australia yg mengamalkan jenis 'ilmu senjata makan tuan'.

This was the beginning of the introduction of the benefit of using 'crash helmet' for motor-bike riders

Sememangnya bila kita pakai topi keledar (sesetengah orang Melayu kata 'topi besi') memang terasa agak selamat bila misalnya terjatuh kalu , kemudian terhantuk pula kepala kat tembok2 batu atau concrete ......  boleh selamat kepala kita dari pecah dek hentakan itu ..... tak ke selamat namanya tu? ....... dan memang tepatlah ...... pakai 'topi besi' itu memang untuk mempertahankan diri dari pecah, luka parah atau sebagainya.
Memang la ni pun ...... menunggang basikal pun lebih selamat jika pakai untuk 'mempertahankan diri'. Dalam peperangan Dunia I & II dulu, semua tentera2 yg terlibat dlm peperangan semua pakat pakai 'topi besi' untuk mempertahankan kepala mereka daripada terkena bedilan peluru2 (sesat tak sesat semua ada).

Table-manners in the modern Malay family - sometimes doa reciting (before meal) is just formality sake - meant for show only

Tengoklah telatah bapak dgn anak ........ mula2 si anak dah tak sabar2 nak aminkan (finishing the doa reciting) pasai nak sambaq makan dulu sebelum si bapak habis membaca doa (sebelum makan) ..... On the second instant - kat meja makan juga .... si bapak sudah dikenakan 'hint' - isyarat 'berdehem' kerana belum  memulakan doa sebelum makan....... boleh tengok muka si bapak sudah naik satu macam punya 'sore' ...... tengok sikit punya dok memanjang dok mengerlimg (menjeling2 suk siaq suk siaq kat si anaknya - Harun) .... dia mula naik malu balik sebab tak sabar2 nak start makan ..... sedangkan sebelum ini pun dia ada kasi 'sound' dekat si anak tu (iaitu Harun) disebabkan pasai si Harun nak start makan sebelum habis membaca doa.......

Chinaman is not so easily can be simply cheated .... he knows but just pretend to be ignorant

Tengoklah Chinaman (kita selalu sebut Tauke Cina) - kira nak buat duit saja memanjang........ dalam apa jenis urusan niaga apa pun. Dia sendiri ada cakap " wa jaiyyet kasut .... bukan jaiyyet olang" - memanglah selama ini pun profesion nya sebagai seorang 'tukang kasut' fadang fasir. Namun, duit punya pasai .... dari seorang 'tukang kasut' yg hanya  kerjanya cuma 'jahit kasut' sahaja ....... tiba2 sanggup ambil alih kerja 'jaiyyet olang' pula ..... tengoklah sebelum ambil tugas kerja ... dah start bilang duit (kira dgn jari untung sekian2 boleh dapat) berapa banyak punya untung dia boleh kaut. Kalau dah Cina tu ..... Cina jugak........

When 'Ahlil Nujum' - wellknown as 'king of temberang' kelentonging the King (the Sultan himself)

Ahlil Nujum Pak Belalang ..... memang kaki temberang dalam segenap hal ...... semua tu bukannya betul pun ...... semuanya auta. Itu yang jadi lucunya tu ..... bila raja (sultan) sendiri boleh dipermain2kannya - diperbodoh2kan oleh Pak Belalang yg hanya seorang yg dari golongan rakyat biasa saja.

How old folk's way of 'slow-talk' to woman of their choice - as you grow older - the wiser you'll get .....The older and wiser old folk's advice

Wak ni .... baguih punya dok mengorat Sudin punya 'sweet-heart' ...... itu yg bikin Sudin punya 'heart' naik berang sampai berpeluh (heart sudah naik 'sweat'..... jadi........ 'sweat-heart' pulak lah... disebabkan terlalu banyak 'swear in the heart'  (dok pulun punya maki sumpah seranah dalam hati) hingga berpeluh-peluh laa....... maka dari 'swear-heart' jadilah 'sweat-heart'  bukan lagi 'sweet-heart'? Bukan begitu?

Sometimes 'buah' can mean something else or something vulgar

"Minta pinjam chief punya buah" ...... " ha? ...... Buah?.........tersentak big chief .....kehairanan (dalam hatinya) ini yg mampak pelik punya mintak ni ...... nak pinjam buah aku? ...... kamu punya buah? tak dak ka? ...... kamu tak dak buah ka? ....... 'buah' disini boleh jadi 'double-meaning' ni .......... itu yg boleh timbulkan 'kelucuan' ni instead of 'kelucahan' ....... dgn diselit sikit 'double-meaning' punya istilah 'buah' yg membayangkan 'lucah'.

Sebab tu lah .... big chief kata ...."lain kali cakap biar teghaaaanngggg" ..... supaya jelas, dan clear, saheh dan pasti.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Circus Clowns-like thieves dividing their loot - with no intention of cheating each other

"Satu untuk kau ..... dua untuk aku" ...... bukankah itu pun tipu juga namanya?

That's a good excuse to give - instantly he got that bright idea - on the spur of the moment

Dia mengaku yg dia ada dengar bos (watak P. Ramlee) memanggilnya .... konon2nya katanya ....... untuk mempelepaskan diri ..... bilamana melihat bini sendiri (yg promised di pinjamkan walaupun sementara) dibawa naik ke atas untuk 'masuk tidur'........ mana boleh tahan!  mau tidak? bini sendiri di bawa orang depan mata wooo ........
Cuba perati tengok muka Ibrahim Din (yg membawa watak Salleh) ..... punyalah naik semak ..... tak seronok langsung...... muka peghat, kelat ..... fed-up aje kelihatannya ......maunya tidak? sikit punya serabut kepala otak dok pikiaq pasai bini yg sedang berada diatas .... entah beradu ......? entah apa? ha???

Having the same thought and ideas - impromptu situation - instantly - spontaneously - on the spur of the moment

Instant action -  and sudden instant reaction  ......... spontaneously happened on the spur of the moment. Aksi  Sama-sama nak mula mengeluarkan ucap atau kata2..... itu agak melucukan.
When the couple seems to utter the same thing on the spot .... that shows both of them are on the same wavelength....... therefore there's a good sign or some good omen to certain people. Whatever it is ..... everything is God's Will.

Hj Bakhil can afford to lose some ..... in order to win the heart of Cikgu Murni

Kelemahan Tuan Hj Bakhil amat jelas sekali ..... namun dia tetap dapat menawan hati Cikgu Murni dengan kelemahannya itu. However, in a way - he wins some - loses some.

HAVOC [2 Parts] - Part 1&2 - Havoc all over - when Pak Aji's encounter with funds collectors (donation for charity) - that's always his allergy

Kelamkelibut ..... huruhara habis ketiga2 mereka bercempera tak tentu hala dgn masing2 naik kalut malut. Haru biru habis dibuatnya.
Havoc all over  - inside and out - jumping up and down - especially among the three of them  -  All got shocked  ........ havoc ..... unnecessary havoc and commotion when approached by the two gentlemen being collectors for funds for charity for children of lost parents (anak2 yatim-piatu).

If you want to ask for something - just talk and ask - and you don't have to show by using signs (by hands or fingers)

Perkatan 'piano' Wak sebut tu kira okey dah .... Wak tu cakap dah betul dah ...... tapi buat apa Wak nak tunjuk cara mainnya dgn menggunakan tangan seperti bermain violin pulak?  Itu silap Wak tu ..... jadi bahan ketawa pulak. Lepas tu kena lagi dgn bossnya  (watak lakonan Ahmad Nesfu tu) Ini saja2 director nak selit unsur2 jenaka untuk memeriahkan suasana aje.

HAVOC ALL OVER - When Pak Aji's encounter with funds collectors (for charity) - that's always his allergy.

Havoc all over  - inside and out - jumping up and down - especially among the three of them  -  All got shocked  ........ havoc ..... unnecessary havoc and commotion when approached by two gentlemen being collectors for funds for charity for children of lost parents (anak2 yatim-piatu).

HAVOC ALL OVER - When Pak Aji's encounter with funds collectors (for charity) - that's always his allergy.

Havoc all over - inside and out - jumping up and down - especially among the three of them  -  All got shocked  ........ havoc ..... unnecessary havoc and commotion when approached by two gentlemen being collectors for funds for charity for children of lost parents (anak2 yatim-piatu).

As usual - That Labu fella never co-operate with Labi guy most of the time - it's just that Labi just want to play-play only.

Memang Pak Aji Bakhil ni ada banyak allergy dan kelemahan. Siapa tak kenal dgn Pak Aji Bakhil ni?
Pak Aji Bakhil memang terkenal sebagai orang kaya yang paling kedekut yg teramat sangat. Dia memang sangat terkenal dgn sifat 'kekedekutan'nya  ........ kalau pasai keluaq duit.... dia sanggup jatuh pengsang bila bersabit dgn wangringgitnya ..... itulah 'allergy'nya...............Tapi! ........ kalau pasai pompuan yg dia berkenan sangat (teringin terlampau2) yg dia naik syiok lebih (naik berahi nak buat bini lah tu) ..... terus bertukar perangai dandan jadi seorang yg bersifat 'pemurah' ..... sanggup pula berkorban harta dan wangringgitnya semata2 kerana pompuan tu ......... pompuan punya pasai ...... itulah 'kelemahan'nya.

Leadership by example - such as to pretend to faint (or even pretending to be dead) also happen? Why not? - Sometimes it helps - it helps alot too - to certain people

"Saya buta macam encik pengsan jugak" - Wow! what a blow to the boss ..........right on the face!....... Mau tidak?....Pecah tembelang boss ....... but after all...... it's 'leadership by example' though!
Well! it's all about 'face -saving'.........To save face  - maybe? ...... or even to save your own life?  -  it is worth the effort what?  -   Untuk nak pelepas diri atau nak melepas diri dari sesuatu 'bencana' pada diri sendiri  -  berbaloi jugak apa? (even to save your own life)  ..... or  in order to save your own skin? from 'horror' or 'horrible situation'? Berbaloi jugak what?

Monday, August 9, 2010

From Sarcastic Joking to flattering (over-praise) - From Perli becomes Bodek

Dari perli ..... jadi puji ........ kemudian jadi bodek.   Itu yang ada depa kata ........ one kind of 'perliology' ...... ada juga 'pujioloji' ....... dan yg paling disukairamai ialah ..... 'bodekloji'.......

See How Rock Hudson look-alike look like? No doubt - his face looks andsome too

 "Muka aku ni Handsome macam Rock Ensem?"  Ulang lagi tanya Hj Bakhil lagi untuk menambah kepastian tentang muka 'kehanseman'nya tu......

When Aziz Sattar as Special Guest took to centre-stage as Master of Ceremony - he controls all

This character Aziz Sattar nampaknya macam nak bolot kat dia kesemuanya - mentang2lah dia tu dapat jadi MC - Master of Ceremony ........ kira nak sapu kat dia aje? Mana boleh? Where got road? Rod ader ler! - Batang kayu ada laaa ..... atau batang balak?

Sudin's two versions of aroma - one is sweet smell of success - while the other is pungent hell of a smell

Sudin's sweet smell of success ...... well spread all over the neighbourhood........... that's heavenly smell   .............While the other version is so pungent the hell of a smell that pierce thru the nostrils.

The one who try to show-off (Ajis in this particular incident) finally got hit by a stone

Masing2 pakat nak tunjuk hero, pakat nak tunjuk handal lebih2 lagi di depan anak gadis Wak Mustar (Cikgu Ros). Ajis pantang tengok Ramlee beraksi dgn pencak silatnya (yg hanya temberang mcm 'gempaq keling' saja) walaupun berjaya juga menghalau geng2 samseng penambang dgn agak mudahnya. Ajis memang kurang senang dgn situasi sebegini (tambah2 bila berlaku di depan Ros pulak). Dia pun nak tunjuk dia punya taring jugak ..... akhirnya dapat sebutir ketoi batu sebagai hadiah hinggap di kepalanya (selepas one of the geng-members nampak mcm do taram kat si Ajis ni kerana nampak sangat beriya2 nak tunjuk berani berlagak 'hero' ......berlagak terlampau2 punya 'over' untuk terus mencabar kumpulan geng samseng penambang tu tiba2 one of them (yg nampak mcm dok taram lama kat si Ajis ni) pungut seketul batu dan terus membaling ke hala Ajis terus hinggap di kepalanya ....sampai juga hajatnya si samseng yg dok taram kat Ajis tu selepas saja Ajis membuka langkah seolah2 nak mengamok semasa cuba mengusir geng samseng2 penambang tu........... Ajis pulak apa lagi? beradoi sakanlah si Ajis setelah batu hinggap di kepalanya.... terus mengadu sama Wak Mus ..... tapi mendapat jawapan yg agak memalukannya pula.

All of the Bujang Lapok trio claim they can read the letter - only the sounds came out differently

See? ...... masing2 semuanya tak mau kalah punya. Memang depa sendiri tau yg depa tu tak tau baca (tak kenal huruf). Tapi kalau boleh depa redah ..... terus main redah aje ler ....... hentam sajalah ....... bulldoze all the way lah. If so happen, one of them has the capability to just bullshit ....... bluff their way through ..... all the way ....... by all means ....... they'll just proceed ....... carry on bullshitting.........bullshit after bullshit..... and further bullshit to follow...... more bullshit will come one after another. Nasib diaorang  bertiga tidak diberi gelaran 'bujang bullshit', memandangkan nampak macam mereka bertiga tu nampak mcm bijak, handal dalam selok belok cari helah, memberi alasan (excuses) dlm sesuatu masalah, dan seolah2 berkemahiran dalam bidang bullshit dan sepertinya.

Bujang Lapok trio lost their way in the kampung - Bujang Lapok sesat dalam kampung

Biasanya orang sesat dalam hutan ..... ataupun orang kampung selalu juga sesat dalam bandar .... tambah lagi bandar raya mcm Kuala Lumpur tu.... lagi2 sakan punya boleh sesat lah. Tapi ini lain macam pulak .... Bujang Lapok bertiga ni pulak boleh sesat dalam kampung. Itu yg  kelakar tu........

With that Sudin fella tu ..... bukan boleh tanya apa sikit .... dia mula nak tunjuk pandai lebih ..... mula dia nanti start chong sampai meleret2 punya continuation lepas satu .... satu ...... macam2 chong macam2 temberang dia nanti kelentong member2 lain ..... dia buat kerin' saja kata orang Kedah (atau orang belah2 utara).
Last sekali ...... semuanya ..... tak betoi ........ yang betoi ? ada betoinya .....ada jugak betoi nya ....... betoilah tu .... betoi2 lah dia temberang ..... dia main kelentong saja..... itu yg betoinya tu..... betoi2 dia main kelentong memanjang.

The danger of placing nails too low on the walls ........ and it happened to the oldman of the house ..... pity him

Bila yg di ketuk? ..... Wak sudah tengok tempat lain laaaa  Wak ...... sebenarnya orang bilik sebelah (tiga tetamu yg nak belajar ilmu silat) yg tanggalkan paku tu .... dan mereka jugalah yg menebuknya menggunakan 'penebuk lubang' (drill) untuk mengendap tengok kot-kot ada apa2 'commotion' sedang berlaku dlm keluarga Wak .........depa sempat juga tengok muka anak gadis Wak yg manis comel tu .....bukan main chengey lagi  ya? Takpa .... chengey chengey jugak .... tapi manis! manislah muka Cikgu Ros tu .... it's okey what! Semua tu juga apa yg berlaku pun Wak tak sedaq habaq pun tentang paku tu (malah bukan paku pun ....... tapi drill-screw punya mata). Wak tak perasan. 

That Chinaman (the cobbler) is playing his money-making tactics in order to make more

"sapa ciakap gua tak mau jaiyet?" meaning to say that he never turn down the counter-offer which amounts to triple the amount .... when finally he managed to get although with full of scare .... see how money can influence people no matter at what level or status he is .... because of money anything will be possible...... what more if the amount doubled or tripled .........

He's only involved only in Import - only in Import business - not Export - never export

It seems  that the business of Import-Export is well-known and popular among those looking for wealthy businessmen for their husbands or life-time partners or even sleeping-partners.

This rival Labu fella keeps on challenging and provoking Labi over their secret admirer-cum-sweetheart

Dia ni (si Labu) beriya2 sakan ajak bertumbuk secara halus-halusan ..... mesti tertib ........ yang dulu di dulukan ....... yang kemudian ......mesti di kemudiankan. Wah! ini satu cabaran yg tak boleh dibiarkan begitu saja oleh Labi ......  cabaran Labu mesti disambut tanpa lengah2 lagi oleh Labi ....... ini boleh membawa kpd catatan record of event of the year atau pun kpd yg lebih gah lagi ....... 'event of the century' katanya..... sebagai menggembar-gemburkan keadaan.

Actually this Labu fella is scared of the other counterpart Labi, but pretending or trying to be brave (indirectly trying to scare-away his rival Labi)..... because of jealousy deep inside his heart.

Normally, the way he challenge by provoking in such a manner, would make his rival become even more provocative manner to make his rival become more furious - thus will further instigate him to get buning-up further. His rival counterpart knows too well of his kind of character ever since....... as we used to say 'gempaq keling' to people of mamak type or its their nature (in a way) and that Labu too is a mamak of DKK clan by birth.

Usually that's how people trying to show that he can outdo the other chap especially in front of someone he's interested in

Bila terdengar akan 'how tough nut' that person he's refering to is with all the rough and tough features he got ..... then deep in his heart would slowly be withdrawn without any say ........ that shows some cowards trying to be a hero .... trying to come to the rescue .... but alas! tak jadi .... tak kesampaian .......

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Talking about face and look - whether handsome or whatnot - then you know what I'll do if the landlady tergila2kan muka ni

Hey Ajis, kalaulah masin mulut kau, kalaulah tuan rumah tu gila kat  muka ni, aku berniat kat keramat si Luncai kau tau?
Kalau dah muka ni juga yg tuan rumah gila2kan ni ..... apa nak buat lagi? kecil tapak tangan la

By all means - they're trying very very hard especially Ramlee ..... in his effort to make or to jump-start Eton to make such a drastic and risky move a means to urge Eton to pull the diamond ring from her mother's ring-finger .....

Eton kena ambik jugak-jugak ............Kalau tidak ..... ???? don't know what to say lagi ....... tegh tegh tegh tegh tegh

When Sudin got caught in a panic-stricken situation - He can't even utter a word due to too panicky and blank-mind - that's Sudin's nature

Masing2 cuba untuk mencari idea untuk menyelesai masalah yg di hadapi oleh pasangan Sudin & Eton ..... tapi Sudin sudah naik buntu ......buntu ..... hingga tak boleh lagi nak kata apa2 ..... due to lost of words .... same goes to Ramlee ..... also lost of words to convince Eton to try hard and even harder to get the 'diamond ring' which is with her mother (worn and of course attached to her 'ring-finger') ..... that's how the trouble started.

It's all about songs & it's owner - the composer - Symbolic message with regards to song, melody, lyrics according to composer's taste & flavour

Itulah maksudnya sebagai satu gambaran contoh kepada  sesiapa yg inginkan lagu ciptaan seseorang pengubah/pencipta tu mestilah ikut lagunya (melody) nya yg betul dan tidak lari atau tergelincir dari landasan asal. Lihatlah sambil si pencipta 'lagu buka pintu gua' tu menulis baris2 lirik lagu sambil dia 'humming' sama mengikut irama lagu atau melodi lagu itu supaya pihak yg berhajatkan lagu itu dengar dan hayati betul2 akan lagu yg diciptanya itu supaya kelak nanti dapat membawa lagu itu dgn tepat dan sempurna mengikut selera dan citarasanya sebagai pencipta lagu itu. Tengok dalam kes ni .... dia tidak lupa beri 'bahagian penutupnya' sekali .... tengok!  betapa teliti dan 'particular'nya terhadap lagunya itu .... siap dgn 'buka' dan 'penutup' nya sekali.
This is what we call song & its composer - whereby the song-composer is the creator of his own song with melody, lyrics and its originality remain intact as long as the song is delivered and presented according to the need and meet the requirements of its composer's taste and flavour.

This is what user-friendly codepass is - meaning that you have to be friendly with the user (who is no doubt very friendly as it seems)

Itulah dia apa yg dikatakan 'user-friendly'  - lihatlah betapa 'friendly'nya si 'kepala penyamun' tu terhadap Ali Baba disguised as 'reporter' yg bersembunyi mengintai2 diatas pokok. Sebab itulah dipanggil 'user-friendly' kerana in order to get the 'secret code' (how to open the main entrance door of the cavern) - you've to be friendly with the user (in this case - the 'ketua penyamun'lah as the user-as well as the owner) .... see the exemplary act as illustrated in the v-clip above.

Closing Code - When the system need code (password) to open - there has to be code or password to close too.

The same applies when it comes to closing of the 'main-entrance door' of the cavern. Dalam cara 'tutup'nya juga memerlukan juga lagu yg mesti dinyanyikan dgn liriknya yg sedikit berbeza drp 'yg buka', dan juga akan susunan dan sebutannya juga harus tepat dan perfect .... semuanya juga memerlukan dan mengikut kehendak pencipta 'lagu' atau code/password yg di'set'kan dalam sistem itu sendiri.

Opening Code - User-friendly Secret code to open cavern's entrance to robbers'-thieves treasure hide-out

User-friendly code-password - it only needs the sound of a tune (sing-a-song like tune) - sung to the need & requirement of the so-called system. Ya!  -  Kalau pada zaman sekarang - untuk membuka pintu 'lif' di bangunan2 tinggi (seperti hotel etc) - hanya memerlukan sentuhan jari (secara touch or push of a button - then the lift door responds to open) ..... tapi, untuk membuka pintu gua 40 penyamun2 - ianya memerlukan sensor berupa 'sound' yg berirama (berlagu) dgn lirik2 yg sesuai dan tepat mengikut kehendak 'system' yg telah di 'set'kan initially (pada mulanya).

Suppose-to-be "Marriage Counsellor" who has never experienced marriage before can afford to give advice on marriage some more

"Kalau malu .... melepas ..... makbonda lain nanti kebas..."   -  WELL! There're so many ways of getting the right answers to strictly personal & private matters with positive results beneficially in your favour though. In this matter -  it's  gandingan Mak Bonda dgn Bujang Tua (Bujang Terlajak).
Ada kala jawapannya seolah2 menjadi tanda tanya pula seperti bentuk 'teka-teki' yg perlu jawapan dari yg meminta nasehatnya (iaitu tuan rumah Cik Normah yg meminta bantuan nasehat (counselling kata orang la ni). Soalan2nya nampak gaya macam dah terjawab, dan nasehat2nya juga seperti akan mendatangkan 'tuah' kepadanya sekiranya Cik Normah akur dan ikut akan apa yg disyorkannya (di akhir bualan mereka).

It's all about the 'dowry' matter - keep on increasing - all due to 'money matters' which can never satisfy human greed

This is what's the main problem is - and currently what's happening now - it's all about 'the dowry' matter - all set and imposed by parents themselves - with exorbitant demands and needs eventually leads to enormous greed - who to blame then?
'Mata duitan' - merangkumi  harta, pangkat, kekayaan dan kemewahan semua itu yg dicari  dgn umpanan anak gadis masing2 dgn letak harga hantaran belanja kahwin yg terlampau2 tinggi dan kian melambung tinggi; semua ini yg akhirnya menjadi penyebab kepada tercetusnya pelbagai masalah dan gejala sosial yg semakin meningkat.
Everybody knows that all those can never satisfy 'human greed' ...... yet as long as humans are still humans ..... these phenomena will go on and on ......will never stop ......  without end.

Comic-sketch of the Arabian-Nights flavour

Sketsa ini agak ada lain dari yang lain. Ini kerana pada kebiasaannya sebarang lagu yg selalunya didendangkan oleh seorang lelaki pada lazimnya di tujukan kpd kaum perempuan, gadis atau wanita ........ tapi ini pulak lagu memuji memuja seorang lelaki yg bernama Ali Baba. Dan satu lagi kalau di era 'Arabian Nights' atau era 'Seribu Satu Malam' kita tidak akan miss dgn tarian gelek perempuan2 Arab (dari negara2 TimurTengah) yg lebih dikenali sebagai belly dancers. Namun, lain bagi persembahan lagu Ya Habibi AliBaba ini, dimana ianya ditarikan oleh lelaki (iaitu Ali Baba sendiri lakonan Aziz Sattar) bergandingan dgn P.Ramlee yg membawa peranan sebagai Ketua Penyamun ....... dimana kedua2 mereka menari2 berpasangan sambil didendangkan (oleh Ketua Penyamun) dgn lagu2 memuji2 memuja2 akan AliBaba. Pelik dan ganjil dari lagu2 atau persembahan2 dari lain2 adegan nyanyian dan tarian. Namun, persembahan sesama jantina (lelaki) pun ada juga istimewa dan menariknya dalam segi showmanship & performance pada keseluruhannya. Amat menghiburkan sekali.....walaupun tanpa diketengahkan penari2 'belly dancers Timur Tengah'.
It's very entertaining to watch this clip.
Rumusannya: Ini nampaknya suatu simbolik yg boleh di kategorikan sebagai 'killer song'. The song that kills.
Memang tujuan asal si penyanyi ni pun (iaitu Ketua Penyamun) - nawaitunya sememangnya bertujuan untuk membunuh - membunuh Ali Baba (rivalnya) sambil menyanyi2 dan mendendangkan lagu ini. Namun, lagu ini pun di akhiri dgn si Ketua Penyamun sendiri sebagai penyanyinya mati di tikam oleh Marjina (pembantu Ali Baba) .... juga end-up as a 'killer-song' jua...... since the singer himself got killed (- backfired - seolah2 mcm senjata makan tuan). Anyway, very entertaining to watch even for several times.

There's 'animation' too mixed in P.Ramlee's comedy during those 'black&white' era of film-making

Some kind of 'animation' in film-making of some sort in this case :  as what we used to call 'animasi' - it can be divided into two or three anyway : - one: - 'human in animal form' - two: -  'animal in human form' - or three: - it can be even both ways.  

When dialogues not uttered correctly - the director will just shout - CUT! .......'bukan setan, syaitan .........sultan'

This is what happen when two different words almost sounds the same -  that's why the director didn't say 'bukan 'setan'  setan ..... instead of 'syaitan' to replace the second one ...... just to differentiate between 'setan & 'syaitan' (pure Arabic accent' which might further confuse audience. If not, it would sound like this :.......... "bukan setan, setan ......... sultan"  -  does that not confusing? (in terms of bahasa usage in that dialogue). Might be some won't realise that! That's why the dialogue has to be in that manner ...... which is more appropriate in terms of spoken language (Malay).
In fact, those three words almost sound the same  .... setan refers to 'the devil'  so does 'syaitan' ..... and 'sultan'? No, sultan couldn't be associated with the devil...... unless he's a devil indisguise. But any devil indisguise means a devil in real life.

Natural way of talking and acting with convincing behaviour can always fool people easily

If you wanna fool people especially your own colleagues ....... do it right .... do it naturally with full of confidence  .... like this Sudin guy........ although towards the end .... it bursts out, and finally, that info just turn out as mere bullshit ........since it was intentionally meant to be a joke by that Sudin guy. Afterall, this is just leisure chatting and joking among friends. Jokes amongst friends are usually called friendly jokes.

This is a good way to counter-respond to certain unexpected people spying on him.

WOW!!! ..... What a way to escape from being got caught red-handed as peeping-tom by the snappy ideas and excuses that really fooled those curious-for-nothing blokes .
This finally taught him (the person who seems to be so very busybody) a good lesson, since he really got the blow ........ one: his air sembahyang dah pun batal (sebab itu kutu babi (najis got smashed to death right on his cheek)..... babi punya pasal ...... habis semua wuduk batal .......two: kena ambil semula pulak itu air sembahyang..... another extra effort and thus waste of time ...... that's for sure. Thus he's being fooled out of his own curiousity. So that's sort of a good practical joke ..... for the super curious-for-nothing blokes.

Ever heard or seen a bicycle made for three? ..... Well! here it is

Once there was a bicycle made for two (built for two) ....... even there's a nursery rhyme or song for schoolchildren which contains a line such like .......ending line mentioning 'of a bicycle made for two' ........ sorry, I've forgotten that song. Now, I remember ..... it's Daisy Bell (Daisy, Daisy) also known as 'A Bicycle Built For Two' ...... and that song reminds me of a modified version during those varsity days where popularly sung by grown-ups (no longer little schoolchildren) .... but for the adults grown-ups .... the wordings in some of its lyrics may sound a bit vulgar (especially when it sounds like when the line require ..... Daisy, Daisy ...... show me your  ........? next line : I'm half crazy .... my .... is on the ....?" sorry! those lines (need to be censored) ..... just recalled back that funny memory.
But in here (the v-clip above) it is indeed bicycle made for three.

School for the elders ....... during those hazy crazy lazy days of the Malays

This is some sort of 'flash-forward' ('flash-back' is not possible since they'd missed their early 'kindergarten' education during their younger days). Whatever this scenario is - it implies to some 'kindergarten' classes in aged generation (when this did occur before 'Independence days' ..... when our grandfathers and great grandfathers were illiterate ....... 'buta huruf' maksudnya ..... 'tidak kenal huruf (be it a,b,c (romanised) or alif ba, ta .... (jawi). Memang buli membuli terjadi di segenap peringkat umur ..... tengoklah yg  ini ..... yang tua2 bangka pun sakan punya perli memerli bila depa sangka depa yg senior tu memang dah pandai2 belaka ..... padahal 'the other way round'.
Or may be ......this could be a good example of  "those who laugh last ....... laugh best" ...... just like the 'bujang lapok trio'.

Girl-getters - kampung style ...... during those good ol'days

That's their dashing way of tactical way of tackling a girl - going step-by-step ....... using natural instinct and body language. And mostly it usually started with a joke ....... as what's happening with certain incidents as illustrated up there. Sometimes when you started a joke ..... it end-up seriously.

That was that era's special effects & also a new two-way communication between the screenplayers and the audience - sort of.

Itulah satu2nya filem yg diperkenalkan oleh P.Ramlee dalam bentuk 'two-way communication' ....... interaksi dua-hala antara pelakon2 di layar filem dgn penonton2 dengan cara berseloroh dan gurau2 gitu ..... walaupun ianya tidak berlaku secara realiti ..... namun kesannya  seolah2 ianya suatu realiti.

Then I knocked his head ...... it went spinning ...... like a gasing .....

Everybody listening to the same incident at the same time  ...... at different places .... it seems the continuity makes the story so real without further exaggerations (as normally did by some people as always).

Haaa .... this is what is called viola (violin) ...... no Uncle Mustar (Pakcik) this is not violin or viola..... this is piano

Bila masing2 tak tau tapi nak tunjuk tau ..... maka jadi macam tu lah...... tapi adakala bila ada yg tak tau tapi nak tunjuk yg dia tu lebih tau .... tau-tau semua pakat dok tak tau sajalah ......

What the? .... apa ter ter ter ter? ........ This is Master Mustar - the silat master of the village of one areca-nut trunk (direct translation).....

Sekali Wak Mustar muncul semula masuk dgn penuh semangat tanpa ada kesan luka2 lebam2 (without any injury) - terkejut beruk semua samseng2 termasuklah yg kepalanya sekali ........ masing2 tergamam, terkapa2, kecut, terketaq2, hingga tak terkata ....... tergugup, tergagap2, ......bila kena pendekar Pinang Sebatang punya pukulan ....... storm..... all of a sudden's raining

ihh.....ihh......ihhhh .......Angin tak dak ..... ribut tak dak ....... tau-tau .... ujaaaaaaannnnnnnnn dah  turunnnnnnnnn......
Ramlee, Ajis, Sudin.....  jangan main ujaaaaaaannnnnnn ......... nanti demammmmmmmm .....

biasalah .....orang tua2 nanti larang budak2 bermain hujan ...... begitulah bunyinya .......

Why do you pour water over that old man hah? ....... I didn't do it on purpose.....

Si Sudin tengah dok syok tengok si Rose tu tergelek2 selepas melambai2 tangan sama dia ..... lepas tu dgn tak sengaja dia tersiram air ke atas kepala WakMustar tu yg dgn serentak memanggil ......."Ainnie, angkat kain ..... hujaaaaaannnn ...... jemuran dah turunnnnn" .... apakahal si Sudin ni memanjang silap ikut skrip .... dialog main  ikutdan saja .....

All having the same idea - Sleep-walk - sleep-talk - sleep-dance ..... do the tango some more

The idea is to sneak out unnoticed from the other 2 partners...... but nothing done till the end.

Take care .... beware ....... here he comes

"Hati-hati ...... ulat bulu ........ dia datang"........ tengoklah muka si Ajis tu (dandan terus berubah) bila dah got caught in the act while dok mengata kat member .... dandan buat cerita topik lain (terus tukar topik ....kononnya bapaknya si Ramlee tu kaya la ..... saudagar stokin .... buluuuuuuuu ....) .... dan perati tengok muka si Rose (sambil2 senyum yg ada makna) bilamana dia memerhati telatah si Ajis yg sudah kena 'tangkap' (caught red-handed') oleh Ramlee ketika tengah dok seronok mengata member ....... dia (Rose) pun nampak mcm tahu benar perangai selok belok bujang2 lapok tu ......

Phew!!! ...... such a cute sweety ....... so fierce!!!

Amboi! ........ chengey ....nya  ........
Bertambah lawa lagi nampak ......... jangan maraaa ..........

Might be it's the sound from his asshole farting-sound that made him thought that his pants got torn also, sigh!

Well ..... it's the sound produced thru the southern channel of the southern hemisphere ..... unintentionally though! .... itu sebab dia terasa termalu dan pura2 naik berang dgn penonton (sebab dia terasa yg penonton sedang memerhati akan gerakgerinya ..... sampaikan nak tukar (salin) seluar pun maseh nak tengok jugak (kerana itu seperti menceroboh 'privacy' seseorang tu)  ... yet this is another of the two-way communication between the screenplayers and the audience (as introduced in  earlier parts of that film).

Happiness is when talking bad of someone behind his back

"Hati-hati ..... ulat bulu  ...... dia datang" ..... before that while he was talking something bad about his colleague, Ramlee can see how wide his smile is (that Ajis wide grin .... grinning all the  way  from ear to ear.....)..... so damn happy like mad especially in front of his favourite heart-throb ........ so to say ........  What a damn bloody wide grin .... so wide ..... from ear to ear some more ...... What a laugh!!!!


One for the road ...... two for the see-saw  ..... while the two up there .......  two for the show