
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


QUIZ COMPETITION - The Grand Finale   -  The stake was indeed high - among the highest - while the bet was placed on the state and the treasury - where Winner takes all. Loser loses all. It's one kind of war too - weaponless and without armies participation - non involvement in physical and body injuries no bloodshed no damages and no destructions of properties and farmlands. It's war no doubt - in one way or other - but it's more on war of the power of intelligence between the two states, in order to gain superiority and supreme control over the loser state. That was such a high-risk competition but not so if compared to declaring war on one another. This competition was much of a leisure status, although it was more or less in a way or so like an act of conquering the other rival state. But the risk was also as good as going to the battlefield.
And even in those days of the 'dark ages' - yet they got the effort to provide scoring points on each event of the riddles followed by each result proclaimed via public clearly displayed on the manually controlled scoreboard - for the spectators and the supporters to view.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A lesson to those who don't sing according to the original song as required (base on composer's taste, blend & flavour)

Ya! tak iya jugak ....... kalau menyanyi tak ikut lagu ciptaan asal .... beginilah jadinya...... menggelabah habih di buatnya...... lihat sajalah telatah dan gelagat Sudin yg membawa watak tune .... melelong2 .... lentang pukang  ..... sampai tak bunyi macam lagu nyanyian asalnya pun ...... sebab tuKassim Baba .... mula menyanyi silap ..... berteraboq habih di bawa lagu 'code buka pintu gua' tu tak buleh buleh ........menyanyi lentang pukang .... main blah sendiri sendiri punya style (kononnya dengan gaya sendiri la .... style sendiri laa..... cara dan style tersendiri laa ..... jugak sistem code buka pintu tak recognise ........ sebab tu tak dapat respon dari sistem code buka pintu gua ..... pasai menyanyi tak betoi .... bawak lagu pun salah  system code tak terima ..... sampai mampoih ... pintu gua tu tak akan terbuka punya.
Sampai si Kassim Baba punya naik gabra .... menggelabah tak menentu.... cuba dgn macam2 cara .... reka dgn menyanyikan hentah hape2 punya mana punya Jawa punya lagu pun tak tau! di tambah dgn wording sendiri ..... main bantai bubuh dgn lagu reka sendiri lain terus dari lagu code buka pintu gua sebagaimana di terima oleh sistem. Itulah padahnya ...... dari satu babak yg memberi message 'simbolik' untuk mereka yg ghairah sangat dok ambik lagu orang (yg dah popular seperti lagu2 P.Ramlee & Saloma) tiba2 buat pindaan walaupun sikit ( namun rosak atau cacat juga jadinya) disebabkan modify terhadap irama, melodi, lirik dan juga cara menarik patah lagu yg begitu ter'over' (kerapkali punya panjang .... nak tunjuk yg dia ada nafas untuk tarik lagu dgn begitu tinggi nada pitchingnya ....... itu yg menjadikan rosaknya lagu dari sifat asalnya.
Lihatlah contoh dari clip ini ...... bila menyanyi lagu orang tak ikut sebagaimana keperluan asalnya. Tengoklah padahnya yg berlaku pada Kassim Baba angkara menyanyi lagu orang main hentam keromo saja .... ikut style sendiri konon.

What's this? - temporary overnight loan of wife? or temporary overdraft?

Temporary overnight loan like 'overdraft' - no doubt ......  yes! .... there is ...... ask any banker or trader. Bank temporary overdraft is not 'uncommon'. The term 'temporary overdraft' is not new.
But NOT this type of  'temporary overnight wife (on loan basis). Very doubtful ....... that may lead to 'unfaithful' .......... Well! may be it's a kind of game some people play in some parts of  this 'heaven on earth'.... or it could be sort of a 'new way of life' somewhere in the glamor parts of the new world there.

SALUTE is an honour to you - as a gesture of respect - therefore it has to be returned back (responded)

Whatever it is - whenever your subordinates give salute  - it's an honour to you - as a gesture of respect..... you have no choice ...... but to salute back. Ask any army personnel..... what's it's all about.

Like Father Like Son - "that reflects your upbringing" - most common saying

"Baru padan muka bapak"  -  that serve you right ...... you wanna play mama out! sangat....... rase kan

The Shaman got backfired himself - when his charm turn back on him

Ini macam punya bomoh nampaknya mengamalkan ilmu-hitam yg boleh bikin itu macam 'senjata makan tuan'. Ini macam serupa macam itu 'boomerang' yg boleh di baling bagaikan senjata untuk sampai kpd sasaran seperti musuh ...... akan tetapi akan memusing dalam bentuk 'curve' dgn satu lengkongan untuk pulang balik kpd tuannya  (tuan yg membalingnya) ..... sama juga dgn ilmu bomoh yg di tempah oleh Hj Labu tu ....... seolah2 macam bomoh graduate lepasan dari Australia gamaknya? - Australian Aborigines dari pakar2 dari kumpulan orang2 asli Australia yg mengamalkan jenis 'ilmu senjata makan tuan'.